Osteoarthritis is one of the most common joint diseases, causing the destruction of the cartilage layer of a joint. Arthritis, on the other hand, is an inflammatory joint disease that can occur in episodes.
In principle, all visits to our private practice for orthopaedics & traumatology in Frankfurt are based on a detailed discussion about the cause, course, treatment options, etc. as well as a thorough physical examination. Only when the patient correctly understands their clinical picture can they support the treatment path with conviction.
Dr. med. Nader Tabrizi
Specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery
Dr. med. Stefan Chwalek
Medical practitioner
A “clean” diagnosis is important for successful therapy. In order to maintain this, a detailed medical examination, a thorough physical examination and purposeful diagnostics are required. From this, a concept for treatment is defined together.
Anti-inflammatory substances are used for painful overload or mis-loading syndromes as well as wear phenomena. These are usually injected into the affected joint or into the surrounding soft tissues (for example, joint capsules, band structures, bursa sacs, etc.).
In the so-called self-blood therapy, certain corporeal blood cells (especially blood platelets) are injected into inflamed tissues or joints. The healing effect of rich plasma is due to the growth factors that are released from them and induce a wound healing reaction. Numerous studies have shown success in osteoarthritis or tendon inflammations.
In arthrotically modified joints, movement is very important in order to produce sufficient joint lubrication but also to stimulate the metabolism within the joint. The stronger the joint-stabilizing musculature is, the less the joint cartilage surface is subjected to pressure loads. The maintenance of optimal joint function with respect to the soft tissues (joint capsule, tendons, ligaments, etc.) is vital.
For a variety of injuries, inflammations or instabilities, for example, orthopedic devices can provide temporary or permanent relief. Depending on the situation and necessity, such medical devices can be prescribed, and their use and duration of use are determined together.
The principle is based on a relaxing or stabilizing effect on the muscles or joints, depending on the technique and the material used. The effect in the muscles or joints is mediated via the skin and the subcutaneous tissue. Kinesio-Taping has been widely used in recent years, but has been used in orthopedics since the 1970s. It was developed by the Japanese chiropractor Kenzo Kaser.
Body-specific pain-inhibiting systems are activated by needles in defined skin regions. The origin of this practice dates back to 200 years before Christ.
PRP therapy for osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease of the joints. There are various therapies that can alleviate the suffering of osteoarthritis. One of them is autohemotherapy, which we offer in our private practice.